A Grizzly Bear Sow Nurses her Young Cubs in Alaska

In Images by Matt Shetzer

A Grizzly Bear Sow Nurses her Young Cubs in Alaska

A new mother bear nurses her two young cubs. While the mother bear is nursing, the feeding cubs make a very satisfied clicking sound. This sounds like “putt-putt-putt,” or like a small motor running. It is one of the most unique sounds in nature.

After drinking their fill form their nursing mother, the young cubs will lie down for a good nap. The mother bear will often join them in this rest, although she is always keeping an eye out and an ear open for potential threats. Mother bears are constantly vigilant about the safety of their cubs. She is actually nursing in a sitting position so that she can better assess the surroundings.

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A Grizzly Bear Sow Nurses her Young Cubs in Alaska was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer