Bear watching at Lake Clark – Grizzly bear nurses her two cubs

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Bear watching at Lake Clark – Grizzly bear nurses her two cubs

Where else can you step off a plane and capture an image of a grizzly sow nursing her cubs? Seen here, a mother grizzly sits on a sandy beach as her two cubs share a meal. Among the tall grass and in view of the thick evergreen forest, grizzly bear watching at Lake Clark is famous for moments like this. The bears have access to a surplus of food sources, making them calmer and larger than their inland brethren. Photography workshops at this national park and preserve give nature lovers the ability to see grizzlies up close in a safe and unparalleled manner.

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Bear watching at Lake Clark – Grizzly bear nurses her two cubs was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer