Grizzly Bear leaping through water attacking salmon

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Grizzly Bear leaping through water attacking salmon

A large Alaskan Grizzly Bear leaping into the chilly waters as it attacks a school of salmon returning to their birth site to spawn. The smartest brown bears do not leap through the water, expending energy chasing prey, but rather find a spot where they can rest and pick fish out of the water with minimal effort. Many bears will try and catch salmon out of the air as they jump up waterfalls.

The larger bears get priority for the best spots, as they will fight off smaller challengers for the territory.

Grizzlies hunting salmon trying to swim upstream to spawn creates some amazing moments. As photographer, we are lucky to witness this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon.

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Grizzly Bear leaping through water attacking salmon was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer