Grizzly bear walking on two feet on a beach

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Grizzly bear walking on two feet on a beach

Grizzly bear walking like a human— this adolescent female cub does her best impression of walking like a human. This grizzly bear reared up on it’s hind two feet to get a better look at something further down the beach. This is a common behavior in grizzly bears.

Bears can walk on their hind paws very well. Recently a bear was caught on video walking around a New Jersey suburb, likely because its front paws had been injured and could not be used. In the wild, bears will often exhibit this behavior while fishing. This bear has just returned from a fishing expedition into the shallow water, as evidenced by her wet paws.

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Grizzly bear walking on two feet on a beach was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer