Snowy owl in flight with full wingspan

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Snowy owl in flight with full wingspan

This snowy owl soars through the sky above Barrow, Alaska. The animal has its wings completely extended in flight, showcasing the incredible wingspan of these majestic birds of prey. Snowy owls average wingspans between 50 and 60 inches— up to five feet long.

This photo of a snowy owl in flight was taken on a guided photography workshop in Barrow, Alaska. Snowy Owls often visit Barrow for nesting season. A female snowy owl, such as the one pictured here, will incubate her eggs for a one-month period, during which time she will not leave the nest.

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Snowy owl in flight with full wingspan was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer