Grizzly Bears Attack each other as they play fight

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Grizzly Bears Attack each other as they play fight

Two grizzly bears showdown. Although this image looks like a bear fight, it is actually more friendly than it appears. Grizzly bears communicate their social status via opening their jaws in each others’ faces. This practice is known as jawing, or bears jawing. The animals do not make much noise while performing this ritual. Photographs of these animals can be deceiving: what may appear to be a fierce grizzly bear letting off a huge roar is often just a display of jawing.

These two bears are adolescent males; young siblings with perhaps one summer left together before they set out alone into the wilderness of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve.

This image was photographed at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Alaska is the best location in the United States to see grizzly bears in the wild. You can join professional photographer Matt Shetzer for a life-changing week-long photography workshop in this scenic backcountry location this summer. Unique opportunities to capture images and interactions between bears and other wildlife abound in this pristine wilderness.

Stock Image #20140716-205138

Grizzly Bears Attack each other as they play fight was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer