Large brown bear takes a dip in an Alaskan river

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Large brown bear takes a dip in an Alaskan river

A big wet grizzly bear pops its head up above the ocean water. This wet grizzly bear is swimming in the ocean near the Cook Inlet in Alaska. Grizzly bears are big swimmers; much of their diet consists of fish. The big animals like to cool down during summer by going for a dip and soaking their fur in cool mountain snowmelt.

This photo was taken in the evening, right around dinner time. The wet grizzly bear has been searching for fish and trying to find a good ending to his day. You can see the bear’s long claws folded together near its chest.

During Alaskan summer, the sun does not vanish until close to midnight.

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Large brown bear takes a dip in an Alaskan river was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer