Large Grizzly Bear with gory salmon

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Large Grizzly Bear with gory salmon

A large grizzly bear walks to the shore with its catch. This large grizzly bear will eat the whole salmon, a fifteen pound fish, and return to the river to catch another in about 10 minutes. Bears consume enormous amounts of salmon in the summer months to put on the weight they need for hibernation.

This large grizzly bear will eat dozens of pounds of salmon today, in addition to the berries and plants that comprise the majority of its diet.

Photo taken on the McNeil river in Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Dozens of grizzlies were feeding on this river while we were visiting. This guy was one of the larger ones.

Stock Image #20100806-202303

Large Grizzly Bear with gory salmon was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer