Majestic young bear in front of waterfall

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Majestic young bear in front of waterfall

This majestic young Bear waits on a Katmai river for the salmon to swim up the falls to their spawning grounds. Alaskan grizzly bears swarm the banks of the rivers in huge numbers when salmon begin spawning. Often grizzly bears can be observed standing on a rock and catching jumping salmon out of thin air.

The food supply becomes so swollen during salmon spawn that the usually solitary grizzly bears will not attempt to run off competition; this behavior signifies that the bears understand their food supply is not threatened. Outside of salmon spawning season, grizzly bears are extremely solitary creatures who will fiercely defend their territory.

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Majestic young bear in front of waterfall was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer