Momma bear and cub sitting together

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Momma bear and cub sitting together

Family bonding— A momma bear and cub sit side by side. The baby bear, if it is a male, will grow to surpass the mother in size within a few years. Once it reaches maturity, the baby bear will strike off to live a solitary existence on its own. Alaskan bears claim territories between 500 and 1500 square miles for their natural habitat. The bears will then fight rival bears that enter their territory.

Photo taken at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in Alaska, USA. Grizzly bears are an endangered species in the lower 48 states, but are plentiful in the Alaskan wilderness. Lake Clark is a popular spot for photography and wildlife tours. This image is was captured during Matt Shetzer’s annualweeklong Grizzly Bear Photography Workshop.

Stock Image #20140716-093513

Momma bear and cub sitting together was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer