Peggys Point Light of Nova Scotia

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Peggys Point Light of Nova Scotia

A blood red sunset illuminates the sky behind Peggy’s Point Light. This sunset appears so vibrant due to the combination of perfect cloud cover and the reflective ocean surface. The water behind Peggy’s Point Light reflects the red sun, and the clouds in the sky catch the light, giving this image its character. The color palette of the sky matches the red topper on Peggy’s Point Light.

Located on the scenic Lighthouse Trail in Nova Scotia, Peggy’s Point Light is a favorite tourist attraction for those visiting Halifax. Although only built in 1914, this lighthouse is one of the most photographed lighthouses in Canada. Here we witnessed a rare but spectacular sunset lighting up the entire sky behind the lighthouse.

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Peggys Point Light of Nova Scotia was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer