Phases of solar eclipse at totality with diamond rings and coron

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Phases of solar eclipse at totality with diamond rings and coron

Solar eclipse phases featuring diamond rings and corona during totality. The moments just before and after totality, where the moon fully obscures the sun, creates a “diamond ring” effect pictured here.

Baily’s beads are the remaining slices of sunlight piercing through the lunar topography. Mountains, valleys, and craters on the lunar limb afford this unique astral view.

The diamond ring effect is where the last Baily’s bead presents before totality, and the first Baily’s bead is shown after totality. In the center of the image is totality. Here the corona of the sun is showcased as a swirling luminous aura emanating from our astral neighbor.

Notice how the moon is more visible during totality. This is from sunlight reflecting off the Earth casting photons onto the moon, creating an Earth glow on the moon. A spectacular celestial event to witness during our skywatching astrophotography session.

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Phases of solar eclipse at totality with diamond rings and coron was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer