Solar Eclipse composite with totality and diamond rings

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Solar Eclipse composite with totality and diamond rings

Solar eclipse composite image showcasing phases of diamond rings to reaching totality. The red prominences also featured in this captivating solar eclipse photo are really ejections from the sun that appear as flames rushing forth from our nearest star. Extending outward from the corona, these gaseous explosions may be present for weeks to months looping out into space for hundreds of thousands of miles.

These prominences are mostly embraced within the corona by the magnetic fields generated from the sun’s internal dynamo.

Baily’s beads form the diamond ring effect as sunlight creeps through the lunar limb of mountains and valleys as the moon slowly obscures our sun. All of these unique solar and lunar phenomena are more readily seen and photographed during solar eclipses.

Stock Image #20170821-114554

Solar Eclipse composite with totality and diamond rings was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer