Two cute baby bears sitting in a field

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Two cute baby bears sitting in a field

Two cute baby bears sit next to each other in this wide-angle photograph. The bears sit in a grassy field with yellow flowers in the background. These two cute baby bears live in the Alaskan backcountry, where grizzly bears and brown bears such as these are more plentiful than humans.

While their mother, an Alaskan Grizzly Bear was grazing for some much needed food, these two cute baby bear cubs were patiently waiting on her return. The twins were born this year and are unable to fish for themselves. Baby bears which are younger than one year old are called spring cubs. Adolescents are called yearling cubs. These two adorable babies are spring cubs.

Stock Image #20100807-132305

Two cute baby bears sitting in a field was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer