Bald Eagle with Leucism in flight

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Bald Eagle with Leucism in flight

White Hot Landing – White Tips is easy to spot as it comes in for a landing. Notice the outstretched feet and the white talons on their tips. This beautiful coloring is a result of a pigmentation problem called leucism.

I have been lucky enough to photograph the leucistic bald eagle for several years. I first spotted this unique bird while photographing Bald Eagles in 2010 on the Chilkoot River in Alaska. This Bald Eagle quickly gained the nickname “White Tips,” for the unique white-tipped wings it exhibits. In 2011, I returned again to photograph this special eagle this time on the Chikat River, just North of Haines, Alaska. The piebald patterning on this eagle allows us to easily identify it. Luckily, White Tips must enjoy the salmon fishing along the Chilkoot and Chilkat Rivers.

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Bald Eagle with Leucism in flight was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer