Video – Bald Eagle Photography Tour – 2013

In Videos by Matt Shetzer

This November during our Bald Eagle Photography tour outside beautiful Haines, Alaska, I shot a little video to display some of the eagle activity we saw.  During this time of year, there are over 3,000 eagles in the Chilkat Eagle preserve feasting on a late salmon run.

I’m always asked how close are the Bald Eagles during the workshop. I think this answers it. All video was taken with a Nikon D4 (full frame) with 500mm.

Make sure you have your sound on to enjoy the beautiful noises the eagles make.  To play the video with Full Screen, click the button on the bottom right of the player

Come join us next November for the Bald Eagle Photography Workshop and see these amazing creatures for yourself.

If you are interested in an upcoming photography workshop, please check out our schedule found here.

Scenes captured in the video:

  • Bald Eagle cries to establish dominance
  • Juvenile Bald Eagle catching Salmon
  • Bald Eagle watching the full moon
  • Bald Eagle close up while snow flies
  • Bald Eagle in flight with Salmon
  • Juvenile Bald Eagle playing with Salmon
  • Bald Eagle in flight with Mountains in the background
  • Stars over the Lynn Canal and Alaskan Mountains
  • Bald Eagle on Hoar frost branch
  • Bald Eagles attacking each other over Salmon
  • Bald Eagle cleaning its feathers
Video – Bald Eagle Photography Tour – 2013 was last modified: January 19th, 2018 by Matt Shetzer