Young grizzly bear cub resting on mother in a rainstorm

In Images by Matt Shetzer

Young grizzly bear cub resting on mother in a rainstorm

If your kids have ever used you as a pillow, you definitely know how this female Grizzly feels.

A yearling grizzly bear cub rests its head on its mother during a light rainstorm. The young bear almost appears to be smiling in its sleep.

Grizzly bear cubs will remain with their mothers for anywhere between two and four years. During this time period, the cubs learn valuable life skills that will help them survive later in life. Cubs learn how to fish, how to hibernate, and how to interact with other grizzly bears, all from watching their mothers. When the mother bear becomes pregnant with new cubs, she will emit pheromones that drive off her current grizzly bear cubs so she can prepare to mother her new cubs without the threat of her older offspring killing her new grizzly bear cub.

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Young grizzly bear cub resting on mother in a rainstorm was last modified: February 21st, 2018 by Matt Shetzer